This short film project is about a ghost emerging through the
woods into the world of the living to do whatever they desire because nobody can see them. Then finding friendship between other ghosts. This project was inspired by the silent film Man With a Movie Camera by Dziga Vertov. 

Creation Process: 
My creation process for this video was to create  a story that shows emotion through the song and image without words. I used many different clips with many different angels of the same clip and combined them all together to create the film. I used music and different color themes throughout the video to help portray the emotion that I wanted the audience to feel. For the more sad parts of the film I used a sad more slow song and made the film turn black and white. However, when I wanted the audience to feel happy I used a more happy more upbeat song and had the film be in color. 
Created by: Stephanie Krueger
Ghost #: Braden Krueger
Ghost #2: Alex Braun
Track # 1 & 3 By: Podington Bear
Track # 2 By: Serge Quadado
Ghostly things

Ghostly things
